Tag Archives: organic food

get real


get real

Eat whole plant based foods – things that you and your body recognize as #food. A can of Diet soda may have 0 calories and a bowl of organic fruits may have 200-500 calories but take a look at their ingredients! The body needs pure #organic nutrition to thrive, feed it FOOD not chemicals.

easy on your taste buds, easy on your stomach.


diebetes capital of the world

While India is now officially the diabetes capital of the world, an easy way to prevent the onset of this disease is to replace refined foods with whole, natural foods. Renounce refined wheat and go back to eating traditional jowar, ragi and bajra rotis again. These millet’s are cheap and should easily be available across all good organic shops in your neighborhood. They taste yummy, especially when washed down with a glass of spiced buttermilk which makes it sit easy on the stomach too!

Satyamev Jayete


Satyamev Jayete

Heard that Satyamev Jayate episode 8 talked about the dangers of chemical farming and the importance of eating organic quite eloquently in a language easily understood by the masses. This will do wonders to raise awareness on a mass scale, especially among people who don’t usually think or talk about these things. Which, I think is fantastic. Jai ho!

organic money myths


organic money myths

In other news, the person who said he was too poor to eat organic was spotted paying 169/- + taxes for a cup of coffee at a Gurgaon mall. He was wearing a 4999/- pair of sneakers and probably drives a 705000/- + car (and pays through his nose for petrol) because his sneakers looked squeaky clean from hardly being walked in!
Well what else can be said about his life and PRIORITIES?